Clark County Statistics
These graphs are for Clark County as a whole. If you would like more information for your specific zip code or neighborhood, give me a call to discuss.
For Sale vs. Sold
About the For Sale vs. Sold Report
-For Sale numbers are the snapshot of the number of property for sale at the end of the month.
-Pended numbers represent the number of properties that went into the "pending" status for that month.
-New Listing numbers represent the number of properties that are new listed for that month.
-Sold numbers represent the number of properties that are sold for that month.
What Does For Sale vs. Sold Report Do?
-It helps determine the trend of market supply and demand.
-It helps determine whether the current market is a seller or buyer market.
Days on Market
What Does Days on Market and Sold/List Price % Report Do?
-This report shows the percentage of sold price / list price at which an equal number of properties are sold above, equal or below the list price.
-It indicates how long it has taken to sell those properties.
-Percentage of sold price / list price helps identify where the market activity is the strongest.
-Days on market figure helps establish the minimum listing period.
-It helps identify the best match for a buyer's price range.
Months of Inventory
About the Months of Inventory Report
There are 2 kinds of Months of Inventory as follows:
1. Months of Inventory based on Closed Sales (MOI based on Closed Sales)
MOI based on Closed Sales = the number of properties for sale divided by the number of properties sold.
2. Months of Inventory based on Pended Sales (MOI based on Pended Sales)
MOI based on Closed Sales = the number of properties for sale divided by the number of properties pended.